Merriam Webster (2018)
Definition of privilege (Noun)
: a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor : prerogative
: such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office
Definition of privilege (Verb)
Webster (1828)

I struggle with this word. Noun. Verb. I struggle.
Maybe its just me. Maybe I'm alone in my struggle. Maybe...but maybe not.
Maybe there are others who are uncomfortable, bothered by, and even angered by this word being used as a club to beat others with.
Why is it so bothersome? Why does it cause such a push back reaction in my heart?
For many, many months now I have been off and on again trying to process my reaction to this word. Today, I thought I would share some of my musings and thoughts to see if putting it in writing might help.
Yesterday, I read a wonderful post about the difference between blessing and privilege. By wonderful I mean it was well written, clear, honest, and vulnerable. Yet, it too didn't quite address the root issue (at least to me).
On one hand, I completely get it. By growing up white, middle class, and male I had certain advantages that others who were not white, not middle class, and not male did not. That is an indisputable fact. I agree with it. I offer no push back as to that reality.
But let me ask these questions. If that therefor translates to me being "privileged," then that must mean that those who can check those boxes are the "privileged" ones, right? If that has now become the "privileged" standard, then is everyone trying to enter that group? Or at the very least, is the goal for everyone to have the same inherent "privileges" that white, middle, class, males have?
I doubt many would fully agree with that. Why? Because it's not enough. "Privilege" has to also included upper class does it not? How about female too? Is the key determiner race? Is white the only privileged race? So, all those stereotypical super smart Asian kids aren't privileged? Dr. Ben Carson one of the best doctors in the world is still not considered "privileged" just because he is not white? President Obama is still not considered "privileged" because he fails to check the race box?
Can no one move up in this world unless they are the right gender, right economic class, or right race? Does work ethic, overcoming your parents divorce, abuse, trauma, or education shortfalls mean nothing anymore?
I could go on and on.
Where does it stop? Who gets to actually define what "privilege" is and who has it and who doesn't?
This morning I read that "privilege" isn't about what you have but what you didn't have to go through. That makes for a great soundbite, but where again does that stop? Can't anyone claim that since they didn't have two parents in the home, a house instead of an apartment, two cars instead of one, 3 siblings instead of none, two pets instead of 4, and on and on that they were disadvantaged to those who had those things...those "privileged" ones?
At the end of the day, isn't "privilege" the new way of saying racist? Maybe it's not, but it sure seems that way.
I guess the thing I struggle with the most about the word is that it robs everyone of their story, their journey, their testimony. Everyone. It focuses either on what someone had that you didn't or what you have to go through and they don't. Neither one of those scenarios helps us see the One who helps us overcome what we are lacking and helps us travel through what comes our way.
The underlying assumption of "privilege" is that my journey is much harder than yours. At the end of the day, isn't that an arrogant thing to say? Last time I checked, none of us know everything about anyone. Maybe we shouldn't assume we do so now just because it's 2018.
I get it. The world is hard. People are unfair. Life isn't easy. Circumstances can seem to make or break us. That truth was taught a long time ago.
"I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33
"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." - 1 Peter 5:10
Just the thoughts of a fellow traveler.