Monday, December 3, 2018

Why I watch Hallmark Christmas Movies

It's already happened 5 times and it's only December 3rd.

What's happened? I've watched 5 Hallmark Christmas Movies and I'm not the slightest bit ashamed.

Now, don't get me wrong. I like "real" movies too. I just watched Creed II a couple of weeks ago (also great by the way), and I consider myself quite eclectic in my movie selections. In fact, one of the ways I like to relax is to watch a good movie.

So why do I like the Hallmark Christmas Movies so much?

That's a great question and I hope you find my answer an interesting one.

I could wax eloquent about the intense plot suspense and the unexpected twists and turns of these Hallmark Christmas gems, but I can already see my wife rolling her eyes at me, so I'll spare you.  I could tell you about the top-tier acting that is offered in each 2 hour block of joy, but you would know I'm not serious. So, if not for the great plots or actors, why watch them?

The answer is really quite simple.

Let me start here. I am a man. An almost 41 year old man. I have grown up these last 30+ years in a country (I was a military kid so I didn't really land in America till 3rd grade) that introduced me to women as sex objects almost from the time I arrived and has never stopped pushing that view.

Men my age today have been exposed to pornographic magazines (Playboy/Penthouse/etc.), over the counter magazines (Maxim/S.I. Swimsuit Calendar/etc.), Premium channels (HBO/Cinemax...or what I call "sin to the max"/etc.), risque & novelty stores (Victoria Secret/Adam & Eve/Spencers/etc.), sexualized movies & TV shows (Basic Instinct/Fatal Attraction/Game of Thrones/etc.), and worst of all the black hole of internet pornography available everywhere (laptops/desktops/tablets/smart phones/etc.).

What does any of that have to do with Hallmark Christmas movies?


You see,  when I sit down with my wife (who normally falls asleep) to watch a Hallmark Christmas Movie, I can be absolutely sure...understand the power of those words...absolutely sure that for the next two hours I am not in any way going to be exposed to anything remotely sexual, inappropriate, culturally catered, or erotic. Instead, I will be exposed to simple and beautiful love stories of romance and relationship between a man and a woman.

Yes, they are often poorly acted and haltingly delivered but there is actually even a beauty in that. Yes, the plots are predictable, but as I tell my wife it's not about the destination. It's about the journey. It's about letting those two hours be what they are.

Pure. Wholesome. Family friendly. Fun. Light hearted. Smile inducing (dialogue, plot, or actors it doesn't matter ;-) )

These words are used so rarely now a days, and if they are used they certainly don't mean what they used to mean.

*Case in point: I was looking on the back of Elf (which we own) just 2 days ago and saw it had a seal on it that said "Family Approved." I found that disappointing because although my family has watched Elf together I had to fast forward the part at the end when they decide to write in an unnecessary cuss know kinda like in Princess Bride? To me "Family Approved" shouldn't include cuss words. I doubt I'm alone on that.*

But back to my point and in conclusion let me just say this. At least for now, Hallmark Christmas Movies offer us one of the last untainted escapes every year. They remind us of a day too quickly slipping away if not already gone. They highlight people over jobs, love over sex, marriage over hooking up, and family over individualism.

That is the beauty of Hallmark Christmas Movies and why I watch as many as I can.

Just the ponderings of a simple guy. Thoughts?